The mission of Oaks International is to proclaim Christ and multiply disciplemakers for the glory of God and the joy of all nations. We envision a flourishing network of mature disciplemakers who know, love, and boldly proclaim Christ and His Word. Together, they give their lives to win new believers, make disciples, and reproduce spiritual generations who are passionate to reach the nations.
Give to the Ministry of Bryce & Susan Bouchard
The Bouchard's have served in full-time ministry since 1996. Together they've opened ministries on five college campuses around the country, raising up people and creating ministries that have impacted the nations. They have ministered to athletes, Greeks, ROTC students, and the general student population. In addition to helping found and leading Oaks International, Bryce and Susan also founded and help lead the Noblemen and New Eve Biblical Manhood and Womanhood discipleship courses. They have four children and are currently preparing to pioneer another ministry in Fort Collins, CO in the summer of 2024.